Episode 22: Foundation 1&2


I remember Math... Psychohistory came with math...

On this week's Subject To Blackout Mike and I ponder the mathlessness of episodes one and two of Apple TV+'s adaptation of Issac Asimov's Foundation. TL;DL, Mike hates it and I don't. We will continue to monitor the situation, haha.

MEANWHILE, Netflix's Squid Game has inked it's way into mainstream pop culture over the last few weeks so I did a binge to see what all the fuss was about.

Finally, Mike thinks I don't listen to him, but I actually do, and that's why we end the pod discussing my first viewing of the original, anime Cowboy Bebop.

If you want to interact with the show, you can find us on all the socials (except facebook. 🖕) by visiting our linktr.ee here or by visiting SubjectToBlackout.com!

Michael can be found at the Name Taken Podcast, so check that out today!


Episode 23: Dune & The Hidden Fortress


Episode 21: Do The Right Thing