Episode 19: Pig, Grief & High Praise

On this week's episode Mike and I watched the 2021 Nic Cage film Pig.

Mike and I differ on how good we thought Pig was; I thought it was really good while Mike seemed to have a few more issues with it. You'll have to rent the movie and decide for yourself.

We also talk about Nic Cage's career, our experience at the Pitchfork Music Fest and how annoying it is to watch children do drugs.

If you want to interact with the show, you can find us on all the socials (except facebook. 🖕) by visiting our linktr.ee here or by visiting SubjectToBlackout.com!

Michael can be found at the Name Taken Podcast, so check that out today!


Episode 20: Like, Bram Stoker’s Dracula, Bro


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